Privacy Policy

Blue Dot Advisors is committed to protecting your privacy as a visitor to this website and as a customer. We will not sell, disseminate, disclose, trade, transmit, transfer, share, lease or rent any personally identifiable information to any third party not specifically authorized by you to receive your information except as we have disclosed to you in this Privacy Policy.

This website may contain links to third party websites that are not controlled by Blue Dot Advisors. These links are made available to you as a convenience and you agree to use these links at your own risk. Please be aware that Blue Dot Advisors is not responsible for the content of third party websites linked to Blue Dot Advisors nor are we responsible for the privacy policy or practices of third party websites linked to Blue Dot Advisors.

Our Privacy Policy only applies to information we collect from you while you are actively in a session with Blue Dot Advisors. If you should link to a third party website from Blue Dot Advisors, we strongly encourage you to review and become familiar with that website's privacy policy.

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy without providing you with advance notice of our intent to make the changes.